I want to share what I am feeling

Feel safe in sharing your emotions with Wysa’s AI chat, and access interesting self-care exercises.

I want to share what I am feeling

I need help to manage my emotions

Support and resources are available to help you cope with what you are going through.

I need help to manage my emotions
I am not feeling safe at home
I am not feeling safe at home
I need financial support
I need financial support
I need work support
I need work support
I need caregiving support
I need caregiving support
I want tips to keep fit and healthy
I want tips to keep fit and healthy
You are not alone Find strength from the journey of others
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Your thoughts matter, to you and those around you. Share your story.


Struggling with work-life balance? See how Nicole juggles with expectations.



Facing adulting challenges? Discover how Thea learns and grows in her journey.



Work stress? Learn how Jamal cares for himself and his team at work.
