Try moving your social media apps away from the home screen and into folders, to avoid overindulging. You could also delete the apps from your phone. Decide on a regular time for checking social media and don't log in otherwise.
You can also turn off notifications for specific apps in the settings, so you are not constantly tempted to open apps. You could also turn off your data or wifi, or switch your phone to airplane mode.
There are many apps that can help to limit your social media use. Some examples include:
• Forest - allows you to set a period of time when you commit not to use your phone
• Daywise - allows you to schedule the times for receiving notifications, so that they are not constantly disturbing you
• Set a reminder on Instagram that notifies you when you have reached the time limit you set for using the app
Pick a hobby that is screen-free and commit to spending an hour on it once a week. After you have found something you enjoy doing, you can increase the hours or add more screen-free activities. During that time, switch your phone off or on the Do Not Disturb mode, so that you are not distracted.
The best part of going out for dinner is catching up with your friends. Make the most of the time you have put aside to spend with your friends by putting your phone in your bag during dinner, rather than in your pockets - so that you are not tempted by notifications.
Sharing your bed with a bright phone is a guaranteed way to interrupt your sleep. Instead of using your phone before sleeping, try leaving your phone on the charger outside your bedroom.
When you want to take a break from social media during the day, put your phone away in a bag or a cupboard, so that you are not tempted to check your phone every few minutes.
It is not realistic for you to go from spending 2 hours a day on social media to 20 minutes daily. Try to reduce the time you spend on social media progressively, and then check on your own progress in a week.
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