It may not always be obvious when someone you care for is going through a tough time. This is why all of us play an important role in reaching out and giving our loved ones the support and comfort they need. All it takes to start a conversation is a ‘hi'. Here are some tips designed to help you navigate these conversations with empathy and care.
• Say ‘hi' when and if you feel something is not quite right or if you notice a change in them
• Make sure you are ready to provide them with the support they need
• Choose someplace private and quiet, where both of you feel quiet
• Break the ice by letting them know why you're having that chat with them
• Show you care by letting them know you're there for them and want to help
• Ask open-ended questions that cannot be answered with a simple yes/ no, as this will encourage them to share more
• Lend a listening ear by giving them the space to express how they feel instead of giving advice or solutions
• Show them you understand their point of view and validate their feelings
• Be mindful of your body language
• Don't be afraid of silence during chats and accept the silence as part of the conversation
• Be empathetic
• Bring no expectations - if they're not ready to have the chat, be patient and continue to show support
• Encourage action by asking them to try out something that can make them feel better
• Stay in touch and be there for them - you can add a reminder to your calendar to reconnect with them
• If you notice someone who is feeling really low for more than 2 weeks or seems to be at-risk, encourage them to seek professional help as soon as they can
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