What Are Your Signature Strengths?
What are Signature Strengths?
Signature strengths are the strongest or most prominent in your own strengths profile. Ultimately, they are likely to be the strengths that matter most to you, that are most central to your personal identity.
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3 Key Features of Signature Strengths called the 3 E's:
- Essential: the strength feels essential to who you are as a person.
- Effortless: when you enact the strength you feel natural and effortless.
- Energizing: using the strength uplifts you and leaves you feeling happy, in balance and ready to take on more.
Spotting Signature Strengths
Real-life examples highlight how these strengths play out. Bill, for instance, discovered Curiosity as his top strength, realizing it drives his constant quest for new experiences and helps him connect with others. Similarly, Janet found that Prudence, often seen as overly cautious, was actually her signature strength, helping her make thoughtful decisions in both personal and professional life. Identifying and valuing such strengths can help individuals better understand their unique abilities and feel more fulfilled in using them daily.
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